Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRC) are a nationwide effort to take a seamless approach in the way we assist seniors and adults with disabilities who need help with activities of daily living. The ADRC in Pennsylvania is known as PA Link.

New PA Link Program Available! Senior Check-in Line

We Can All Use a Friend These Days ...
... someone to just check in with us to make sure our week is going well and break-up the loneliness of sitting in the house for another day, week, or month. This is especially true for our older adults and that's why PA Link is excited to bring our PA Senior Chat and Check-In line to older adults in Centre, Clinton, Lycoming, Union, Snyder, Northumberland, Columbia, Montour and Schuylkill counties.
How it Works
Anyone over the age of 60 who lives in our 9 counties can register for a free check-in phone call from a local volunteer. The senior or a loved one can complete the enrollment form to find out about interests, convenient times, and other details. Then, PA Link will match the senior with a volunteer.
What to Expect on the Call?
There is no standard script or questions expected during these phone calls. They are simply intended to be a friendly voice on the other end. We want to build rapport between callers.
Protecting Privacy
We do not give out phone numbers and want to be as safe as possible. Both the senior and volunteer will dial our special PA Link Check-ln Line to automatically be connected to their friend. No phone numbers, addresses, or last names are disclosed.
If a match doesn't work or feel right, it will be discontinued immediately. NO QUESTIONS ASKED!
Who Can Volunteer?
Anyone from the ages of 18 -118 can register to become a volunteer. We will do our best to match callers based on geography and interest. Volunteers are asked about their schedules and how often they would like to make calls.
Questions? Contact PA Link Lead Coordinator, Melissa Bottorf at mbottorf2016@gmail.com or 570-428-3521.
Melissa M. Bottorf
PA Lead Link Coordinator
Service Area 8
PA Link Helpline: (800) 753 - 8827