River Valley Senior Providers Group
The River Valley Senior Providers Group (also known as RVSPG) is a non - profit membership organization of individuals and entities that provide services to older adults, individuals with disabilities, and their families. The group covers a seven - county region including Union, Snyder, Northumberland, Columbia, Montour, Lycoming and Clinton counties.
Our mission is to provide a network that supports excellence in services to seniors and those with disabilities through education, advocacy, leadership and accessibility.
What We Do:
Meet the 2nd Wednesday of each month at various organizations to network and learn about relevant topics in our industry and local resources available.
Share information via email about upcoming events and topics of interest to members.
Publish over 18,000 copies of our annual RVSPG Resource Guide in partnership with the Standard Journal.
Award Community Impact Grants to members who are working to help our local seniors and those with disabilities.
Who Should Join?
Professionals who work in the elder care and disability fields.
Professionals who serve those clients and consumers within the seven - county region.
Individuals who have an interest in learning more about the services available.
How to Become a Member:
A Membership Application must be completed annually, by the end of March.
Once received, you will be added to the email list and receive notices about upcoming meetings and events.
Members in good standing receive a free listing in the Resource Guide.
Membership is free at this time.